Youtube It surprises everyone, that’s why.

Indeed, for several months now, YouTube has been pursuing all those who refuse to be confronted with ads on the site. To this end, an arrangement has been made to ensure an internet user cannot use ad blocker. Hence, after several warnings, which are provided in the form of a notification, the block cannot be disabled, and YouTube is inaccessible. The company has also thought of another device: that is, to inform the user who employs an ad blocker that if he does not turn off the application, he shall not be able to view more than 3 videos in the site. Thus, to sum up, we can conclude that YouTube and advertising are perfect together – they are made for each other. Of course, it is one of its major sources of revenue and, depending on the organization, could be its largest single source of funding.

However, in addition to these ideas to impose ads on users of its platform, YouTube simply came up with an “excellent” idea to ensure that Internet users are unable to avoid any ads.

A design change that will make you scream is one that is planned by the potential user of the design as opposed to it being prepared by a designer.
Indeed, Google has been faced with the decision to redesign the button that makes it possible to disconnect the ad that appears at the view’s start and move to the relevant video. Now, the look of the button has reduced as it has become transparent along with being rounded. Hence, the button in this case is more complicated to be seen and the chances of clicking on it are slimmer.

In terms of the American company, this is a measure to ‘provide a harmonized design experience as proposed by the new YouTube look last year’. This is the argument which Google presented in SearchEngineLand.

However, this is not the main aim. To Google ads specialist Thomas Eccel, by choosing this new design, the revenues to the ads will rise because the design influences ‘the view rate and the spend of the campaign’.

The only way around this is to pay for the Premium service, which removes the ads people are coerced into watching. This is what Google is hoping for… If you don’t surrender, you would have to tolerate the newly designed button here or scream in front of the screen while watching the whole ad!