Apple is reportedly working on a HomePod with an artificial intelligence-powered display

Some days ago, the first HomePod became “vintage” for Apple with this being the start of its becoming an outdated product. Currently, there are reports of death, newer reports are indicating towards a new HomePod with display and called Apple Intelligence. MacRumors has found out what appears to be yet another device that goes by the nomenclature ‘HomeAccessory’ enumerated as no. 17,1. The site states that this category is new, and like HomePod’s “AudioAccessory” identifier, which indicates that there are rationality to crown it a new generation.

Bloomberg says Apple is developing new HomePod to include a display equipped with an artificial intelligence assistant.
First of all, the name: One can hardly believe that the choice of the name was not inspired by the founder and is not associated with nonprofessional phonetic and graphic effects. Since they did not point to anything that concern audio, and because MacRumors has claimed that the code points to software is a variant of tvOS and the firmware is homeOS, it could be another totally new device, not a better smart speaker. This could be how a connected hub with a built-in display that Apple might make could look like just like the Google Nest Hub.

The letters “17. 1” in the name which MacRumors says could mean will use the A18 chip to make it capable of using Apple Intelligence. Apple Intelligence will come this fall, a time which is often devoted to releasing new iPhones. Perhaps the product developed in Cupertino will be introduced simultaneously, as well as introducing AI-based solutions for planning meetings, answering calls, controlling lamps, or, in general, managing household affairs.

Two new models of Apple TV also mentioned
Regrettably, we have nothing more at the present time. The HomePod that is current to this date is the second generation HomePod which was launched in January 2023. As with the original HomePod, it leverage Siri to an extent as its primary voice assistant. It would therefore be logical for a new HomePod to exist with the new form of Siri that should accompany Apple Intelligence.

Besides the connected home, MacRumors says it has found code for two new unknown models of Apple TV which means this device is also on Apple’s development plan.