Nubia Red Magic 6 review: the data sheet is not enough

Our adventures continue in the world of gaming phones, a category of devices designed for a very well-defined and extremely small pool of users, but which often tickles the attention even of those who are not interested in the world of mobile gaming due to advanced hardware solutions and a list price that, in many cases, is decidedly more interesting than that of a classic top of the range.

Why this approach is wrong I have already discussed in the Legion Phone Duel review, so I will not resume the talk all over again (but I invite you to read the first paragraphs to get an idea of what a gaming phone is and who it can serve), just remind you that this category of smartphone brings with it very important advantages for those who want to enjoy a certain type of gaming experience , but it does so by dragging behind disadvantages that affect sectors that are highly appreciated and sought after by the classic user. One of them is photo quality, which is why if you are looking for a well-balanced and cheaper device than a traditional top of the range it is good to turn your attention to more focused devices.

That said, we come to the protagonist of this review, the brand new Nubia Red Magic 6. Those who have followed its events over the last few weeks will know that it is an incredibly promising smartphone on paper. On the other hand, we are talking about the first device advertised with a 165Hz AMOLED display (500Hz sampling), 12GB of RAM and 128GB of UFS 3.1 memory for the base variant, a powerful Snapdragon 888 under the hood, a built-in fan that promises to keep temperatures low during the most intense gaming sessions, 400Hz touch back triggers, and a 5,050 mAh battery.

A certainly interesting identikit that, when combined with the launch price of 599 euros, could make it a product almost advisable to anyone, making the initial speech a little drop. On the other hand, all this abundance can make it possible to pass over some disinfectants, right? no. Red Magic 6 is a difficult device to recommend, not so much because it is a bad product in the absolute sense, but because it is a smartphone based on many unclear aspects. Let's go with order.