Perplexity Integrates Advertising into its AI Search Engine and Redistributes Revenue to Publishers

Some of them are TIME, Fortune, The Texas Tribune, and WordPress among others as they are listed at the early partners.

Perplexity: Partnership with Publishers and Distribution of Revenues
If it does become the ‘partner of the people’ then maybe it would be okay for Perplexity, the two-year-old search engine, to share a few profits with some publishers starting from the end of September. This major operation is made at a right time that the San Francisco based search engine, funded by the big investors such as Jeff Bezos founder of and nVidia and having a worth of $3 billion is involved in the controversy of the alleged unauthorized use of content belong to the publishers.

A controversial response
The first partners of the initiative named the Perplexity Publishers’ Program to include organizations like TIME, Fortune, The Texas Tribune, Der Spiegel, and Automattic – the company behind WordPress. com. But the chief operating officer, Dmitry Shevelenko, declined to name exact percentages on how revenue will be split with the publishers.

A new source of income for the publishers
The AI experts and publishers around the world have reported some issues such as AI search engines negatively affect the websites’ traffic. These technologies can ‘swallow’ content and deliver immediate answers to the end-users who are not necessarily pointed to the publishers’ Web-sites. There also seems to be an implication that with the current strategies that Perplexity uses, revenue sharing could be the key answer as it will help the publishers to have another source of income apart from their normal ones.

Another capability that differentiates perplexity from other players in the online search category is citing of resources used in the response. This made it to be in a position of being the first AI-assisted search engine to be in a position of providing this feature once it was launched in the August 2022.

Search engine Perplexity is also debating allowing brands to sponsor certain questions to have them featured in the “Related” section located at the bottom of each answer; thus, providing a way for publishers to generate more revenue every time the search engine uses their content in one of its AI-created replies.